Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New info's about PlayStation VITA

Sony announced a release date of their new handheld but ONLY in Japan, it's December 17 (Happy Christmas for Japan ? :D)

List of "starters" for PS Vita is a huge suprise, take a look:
  1. BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend
  2. Project N.O.E.L.S.
  3. Fish On
  4. Dynasty Warriors Next
  5. WipEout 2048
  6. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
  7. Lord of Apocalypse
  8. F1 2011
  9. Ninja Gaiden Sigma
  10. Army Corpse of Hell
  11. Michael Jackson: The Experience
  12. Shinobido 2: Tales of a Ninja
  13. Virtua Tennis 4
  14. Uncharted: Golden Abyss
  15. Hot Shots Golf 6
  16. Gyokugen Dasshutsu Adv: Zennin Shiboudesu
  17. Dream Club Zero Portable
  18. Disgaea 3: Return
  19. Dark Quest: Alliance
  20. Ridge Racer
  21. Tales of Innocence
  22. Gravity Daze
  23. Metal Gear Solid HD
  24. FIFA 12
(BTW, I'd love to play a MGS HD or Uncharted at break between lessons at school :P)

Officially, battery in PSVita will live for around 4-5 hours, and recharge it to full will cost you around 2 hours 40 minutes.


  1. Looks like everybody else have to wait

  2. The other thing I didn't like about the Vita, apart from battery life though not much can be done about that unless it becomes the size of a laptop, was the proprietary memory cards for storage. $140AU for 64GB? Fuck that.

  3. Like some one said before. I wish I could be a teenager again to play all of these games:)
