Friday, September 2, 2011

First News ! :D

Welcome all viewers. Our first news will be about Diablo III, as we all know that game will have it premiere in this year or in early 2012, Blizzard didn't tell us that. But We can register ourselves for Beta test of Diablo III !

All what you have to do is login to your account, with registered minimum 1 game of Blizzard Production, than you have to „Beta Profile Settings” page and select which of beta tests you would like to get a participation, you can select from:
-Diablo Universe
-StarCraft Universe
-Warcraft Universe, and then you just need to wait until you will get e-mail message with a code, which you will have to register at web account
Beta tests of Diablo III will start in just few weeks or even earlier ;) Good luck to get your own code ;)


  1. I can't wait for Diablo III! I'll have to upgrade my rig to fully enjoy it's glory though :(

  2. Diablo III ;o Jesus Christ, never thought I will be able to see it during my lifetime D:

  3. OMFG Diablo 3 will be awesome. demon hunter FTW.

  4. Thanks, gonna sign up for Diablo 3 beta!

  5. Diablo III! I've waited so long for this!

  6. i'm really sorry i missed that beta test...
